Cullen Wines

Garden Update September 2018

Garden Update September 2018

What is happening in the garden…
The first blossoms of spring have arrived and young lime green shoots and woolly buds are appearing on the vines. Lush multi-species cover crops are in flower all through the vineyard, with radish, pea and broad bean flowers garnishing our sumptuous dishes in the restaurant. Fig, quince and pomegranate trees push out their young shoots ready to capture the solar rays and production of their delicious fruit for summer harvest.
Broccoli and kale are in full production along with turnips, radish and peas being harvested daily to ensure the full potency of the Biodynamic agricultural system we nurture. Broad beans are abundant with flowers, and the first pods are beginning to set fruit, a wonderful legume of which leaves flowers and beans are edible, while the root nodules are full of nitrogen fixing bacteria which help feed the vines through their growing season with atmospheric nitrogen.
Bush beans, sweet corn, tomatoes, capsicum, zucchini and aubergine seeds are being propagated in the vegetable gardens along with herbs of sweet basil, coriander, parsley, dill and tarragon for their flavouring.
The first Biodynamic soil and atmospheric applications have begun across the vineyard and grounds combining preparations of BD500-BD508, barrel compost and herbal teas boosting the vitality of the soil and precious vines. Preparations of yarrow, chamomile, nettle and oak bark that have been curing in the earth wrapped in their respective vessels are to be exhumed and stored for use in our compost production and soil activating sprays.

Grapefruit, lemons, limes, peas, broccoli, leek, turnips, radish, chard, kale, water cress, salad leaf, herbs, edible flowers, horse radish.

If anyone has any queries in regards to the garden, please feel welcome to ask… Cheers, Jaimie